

As most of the mountainous hilly region has been the main production areas for apple, citrus fruit, pear, cherry and other fruits in China, the problems existed in transportation network lacking, high labor intensity and low efficiency during the working practice of transportation. Summarized the present application of the key technologies such as motive power, mechanical drive unit, rack construction of the self-propelled conveyor and traction type conveyer that experts home and aboard have developed on their own. And presented the performance indicators in terms of startup, upgoing, swerve, down and pullup. At the same time, described the state and the development of mountain orchard rail transport on mode of high in load, light weight, wide application and easy installation. The future development of the conveyor is discussed in some aspects, such as optimal design, manufacturing process, material selection, track layout and the specification of the construction of the orchard. The transport machine can not only be equipped with more operations, but also to be more quantitative and more adaptive.

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