The purpose of this research was to design and manufacture a multifunctional equipment for processing potato pulp and its mixture with other agroforestry wastes. The equipment combined the methods of compressing with both open and closed mold, considering adequately the densification and dewatering characteristics of potato pulp. During the compressing, the closed and open mold can be converted to each other flexibly by changing the piston of a sleeve. By this means, it is easy to observe and compare the effectiveness of the two methods. Moreover, the densification and dewatering of potato pulp under different conditions were investigated. Finally, the strength verification of the multi-function equipment was accomplished, and the results showed that it could meet the requirements.
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Wenbin, GUO; Jingjing, GAO; and Xuehong, DE
"Research of designing compression equipment with open mold and closed mold for potato pulp processing,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
9, Article 14.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.09.014
Available at:
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