The running information of water purification machines, including the temperature, flow rater, inlet pressure and some information related to filter quality of water was collected and analyzed in this study. In order to obtain these data real-timely, an acquisition system using ARM single chip microprocessor was designed based on embedded technology, and it could send the real time data of running state to the management information system in factory and the related users. The results showed that the system has such advantages as good real time, high cost performance and high reliability, therefore it could deal with the present problem that the water purification machine ran without monitoring and supervising real-timely. Thus the system might be developed with good application prospect.
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Yifeng, DIAO; Uliping, LI; Can, CHEN; Peigang, YANG; Wei, CHEN; and Qiong, CHEN
"The designation of online water quality monitoring system about the water purifier based on the internet of things,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
9, Article 22.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.09.022
Available at:
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