Optimization on ultrasonic-microwave combined extraction of gypenosides, and the analysis on the synergistic effect between ultrasonic and microwave, were studied. The optimal extraction condition of gypenosides was obtained by response surface methodology. Four factors effect on the yield of gypenosides such as microwave power, microwave processing time, extraction temperature and extraction time were investigated. The synergistic effect of ultrasonic and microwave was analyzed by the yield of gypenosides under different extraction conditions. The optimal extraction condition of gypenosides by ultrasonic-microwave was ultrasonic open (50 W), microwave power at 613 W, microwave processing for 145 s, extraction temperature at 62.0 ℃, extraction time was 12.8 min. Under the optimal extraction condition the yield of gypenosides was 24.08±0.37 mg/g. The experiment results showed that the interaction between ultrasonic and microwave was significant and played a major role in the extraction process.
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Yiqun, CHENG; Fan, ZHANG; Shoubiao, ZHOU; Rongrong, HE; Hangyan, JI; Yi, HUANG; Yali, JI; and Chunhua, CHEN
"Optimization on ultrasonic-microwave combined extraction of gypenosides and synergetic effect analysis,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
9, Article 34.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.09.034
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