

In order to understand the awareness of urban adolescents on healthy diet, nutrition knowledge, traditional food culture, and food safety, a food education survey was carried out in the Middle School Affiliated to the National University of Defense Technology of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Based on 1 088 middle and high school students, the questionnaire was designed from four dimensions: food nutrition cognition, correct eating habit cultivation and safety knowledge, traditional diet and etiquette inheritance, food education knowledge cognition and attitude. The results show that urban Middle school students have a high degree of awareness of food nutrition knowledge, traditional food culture and etiquette, and correct eating habits, as well as a high attention to food safety and food education in the whole society. Most teenagers can identify the hidden health risks of addictive foods, while they cannot effectively control them in real life. Moreover, middle school students have a strong willingness to participate in rich and colorful food education activities. It is suggested to speed up the process of food education into the campus.

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