

Objective: To study the effect of food preservatives on the freshness of pre-conditioned pork filling stuffing and to solve the problem of easy spoilage and very short shelf life of pre-conditioned pork filling stuffing. Methods: The changes of physicochemical and microbiological indexes of the pre-conditioned pork filling treated with vacuum-packed co-combination preservatives during storage were determined using the total number of colonies or TBA values as evaluation criteria. Results: The optimal ratio of preservatives were as followed: 0.049% nisin, 0.207% D-isoascorbate sodium, 0.029% rosemary extract. Vacuum-packed synergistic compounding preservative treatment can effectively delay the changes of total bacterial colony, TBA value, TVB-N value, pH value, and has better sensory score, and its shelf life can reach 10 days. Conclusion: Vacuum packaging synergistic compounding preservative treatment of pre-conditioned pork filling has a better preservation effect and can effectively extend its shelf life.

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