

To evaluate the pollution of heavy metal in east Dongting Lake and analyze the differences of enrichment of heavy metal between silver carp and aristichthys nobilis, this experiment determined the concentration of five different heavy metals, including Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb and Hg, in sediment and tissues of silver carp and Aristichthys nobilis. Results show that the concentration of Cr in sediment belongs to the first state level in soil standard, the concentrations of Cu, Pb and Hg belong to the second state level in soil standard, the concentration of Cd is 2 times of the third state level in soil standard; The sequence of tissues of silver carp and aristichthys nobilis arrayed by the concentration of heavy metal is consistent, the sequece arrayed by the concentration of Cr is gill > liver > brain > meat, Cu is liver > brain > gill > meat, Cd is liver > gill > brain > meat, Pb is gill > liver > meat > brain, Hg is meat > liver > brain > gill; According to the BSFAs of fish, compare to Cr and Pb, silver carp and Aristichthys nobilis are more likely to enrich Cu, Cd and Hg, and silver carp is easier to enrich Cd, while Aristichthys nobilis enrichs Hg easier; Except the concentration of Cd in the liver of silver carp and aristichthys nobilis beyond the industry standard limited, the others are all below the limited. In conclusion, the pollution of Cd in east Dongting Lake is the most serious; Differences of enrichment of heavy metals in different fishs do exist, while the sequence of tissues of different fishs arrayed by the concentration of heavy metal is consistent due to the same physiological function; Compare to gill and liver, meat and brain have weaker affinity for heavy metals.

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