

To study the separation and purification of fisetin from Cotinus coggygria leaves with polyamide by using the adsorption rate and elution rate of fisetin as index. The effects of sample flow rate, sample concentration, concentration of eluent and dosage on purification process were investigated from static and dynamic adsorption. The optimum process conditions were as followed: the sample flow rate was 1 mL/min, the sample concentration was 0.535 8 mg/mL, the sample volume was 2 BV, the eluent was 70% ethanol, and the eluent dosage was 4 BV. Conclusion: The crude extract of Cotinus coggygria leaves was refined three times under optimum conditions, which increased from 10.30% to 79.82%, and the purity increased 6.75 times.

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