

The effects of Lactobacillus paracasei KLDS.LP T1610 on sensory evaluation, pH, titration acidity, texture properties and viable count of lactic acid bacteria were analyzed. The traditional Kouwan Lao (group A) and Kouwan Lao added with ordinary starter (L. bulgaricus∶Streptococcus thermophilus=1∶1, group B) were used as control groups. The results showed that the sensory score of the C group was significantly higher than that of the control groups, with significant decrease of the pH value , while the titration acidity significantly increased. The textural profile analysis indicated that L. paracei KLDS.LP T1610 had no significant effects on the elasticity and chewing of the Kouwan Lao. However, significant effect on the hardness and viscosity, was significantly higher than group A and lower than group B, without any significant change during storage. In addition, during the storage period, the viable count of L. bulgaricus in group C was significantly higher than that in groups A and B.

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