

Seven types of Guizhou kidney beans were used to evaluate their quality based on principal component analysis of main nutritional components. The results showed that the content of protein in kidney beans ranged from 19.11% to 23.69%. The total contents of the dietary fiber were found ranging from 23.09% to 27.60%, and those in British red bean were the highest. Seven kinds of kidney beans were rich in Ca, Mg, P, and K, ranging from 0.09% to 0.20%, 0.19% to 0.29%, 0.45% to 0.61%, and 1.48% to 1.69%, respectively; The contents of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and leucine in these kidney beans were higher than that of the other amino acids, which ranged from 3.41% to 4.61%, 2.52% to 3.33%, and 1.68% to 2.28% of their dry weights, respectively. After the principal component analyses, five principal components were extracted, and the cumulative variance contribution rate reached 95.711%. The information of the original 18 indicators was explained by the main factors such as protein, manganese, amino acid, fat, dietary fiber, potassium, and sodium. The comprehensive scores were calculated by the evaluation model, and the top three varieties were found to be British Red, Long 12-2614, and Ke Yun 1.

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