

Five kinds of konjac gum from A. guripingensis which molecular weight ranges from 137.8 kDa to 621.5 kDa were obtained by hygrothermal degradation, and the differences of the key performance indicators during the sol-gel transition between them and the κ-carrageenan were compared. The results showed that the gel/sol transition temperature of the compound gel was significantly improved by the partial degraded konjac gum (415.6 kDa), compared with the original one (621.5 kDa), and the transition temperature was increase by 5.98 ℃. Meanwhile, the breaking force, the elongation at break and the water holding capacity of the compound gel were significantly improved (P<0.05) as well as the storage modulus, the shear stress and the apparent viscosity of the compound was moderately elevated by using the partial degraded konjac gum. Moreover, a dense and ordered structure of the gel was observed by the SEM. A greater hardness and elasticity were showed in the compound gel prepared with the partial degraded konjac gum (233.3 kDa). Our experiments confirmed that the limited degradation of konjac gum from A. guripingensis by using the hygrothermal method, and this is effective way to improve the properties of konjac/κ-carrageenan compound gel.

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