

In this study, the PEN3 electronic nose was implanted for online flavor detection, based on the traditional pot-type fixating device. By studying the relationship between the response value of the PEN3 electronic nose representative sensor and the quality of the fixating at different pot temperatures, a green tea pot-type fixating system based on the flavor online detection was proposed. The system could feedback control the temperature of the fixating pot according to the measured values of enzymatic oxides and the aroma volatiles of the green tea. The results showed that the low temperature of the fixating pot could lead to serious enzymatic oxidation in the early stage, while the high temperature caused excessive loss of aroma substances. Therefore, immediately after the completion of the elimination of oxidase, the temperature of the fixating pot should be lowered to improve the quality of the fixation; with comparison, it was found that the quality of the control program was reduced from 180 ℃ to 140 ℃, and the tea polyphenols and amino acids were 20.85% and 3.66% respectively. The phenol-ammonia ratio was 5.85, and the oxidase activity was 5.19 U/mL.

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