

Modeling of the ventilation floor and the column of a cold storage was investigated. The aim was to prevent the local frost heaving of the floor caused by the scattered cooling of the floor column of the cold storage, as well as to improve the scientific management level of the cold storage and reduce the building energy consumption. Using the cooling capacity of the floor and column, and the temperature near the column as indexes, the influence of the indoor temperature, indoor convective heat transfer coefficient, inlet air temperature of ventilation pipe and wind speed on the cooling capacity and temperature were studied. The results showed that the cooling dissipation was accelerated by the column. The lower the indoor temperature, the greater the cooling capacity and the lower the floor temperature, while the effect of convective heat transfer coefficient were not significant; The inlet air temperature and the wind speed could affect the cooling capacity and floor temperature positively. The effect on the cooling capacity and temperature was reduced when the wind speed was greater than 1 m/s. It was also found that when the ventilation temperature 279 K and the indoor temperature ≥246 K, no frost heaving area on the floor could be detected. Moreover, it was necessary to open the mechanical ventilation device to maintain ≥1 m/s; when the wind temperature increased to 281 K and the indoor temperature ≥240 K, the mechanical ventilation was not necessary, and the floor frost heaving could be prevented by maintaining the wind speed ≥0.5 m/s; when the wind temperature rose to 283 K and the indoor temperature ≥240 K, the floor frost heaving could be prevented, and there was no need for the mechanical ventilation and the floor frost heave could be prevented by maintaining the wind speed ≥0.3 m/s. The thermal insulation model of the column showed that the cooling capacity of the column was significantly reduced and the floor temperature increased.

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