

Objective: The acrylamide contamination in various foods was investigated to help to control the potential food safety risks. Methods: the laboratory targeted collection of 610 food samples that may be contaminated by acrylamide, involving 8 types of food such as cakes, biscuits, potato foods, puffed foods, etc., which are inspected in accordance with "Determination of Acrylamide in Foods of National Food Safety Standards" GB 5009.204—2014. Results: Acrylamide was detected in 73 samples, and the detection rate reached 12.0%. Among them, potato foods, biscuits, cakes and other foods had different degrees of acrylamide contamination, while the acrylamide contamination in potato chips was more obvious, the detection rate up to 47.5%, and the average content of acrylamide reached 1 315 μg/kg. This is a relatively prominent hidden food safety risk. Conclusion: Food production enterprises should control the source of acrylamide; food safety supervision departments should strengthen the risk monitoring and controlling the use of acrylamide in food.

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