

Objective: To analyze the structural strength and vibration characteristics of the peeling roller, the key component of the macadamia nut peeling machine, and determine its working parameters. Methods: The established Solidworks model of the peeling roller was imported into Ansys for static analysis and modal simulation. Results: When the working speed of the peeling roll was 861.4 r/min, its maximum deformation was 0.032 08 mm, and the equivalent stress was 11.872 MPa. The maximum equivalent stress under normal working conditions was far less than the yield strength of the material. The first six natural frequencies of the roller were 111.44, 111.46, 345.34, 345.71, 503.23, 681.05 Hz, which were much higher than the working frequency of the peeling machine. Conclusion: The strength and stiffness of the peeling roller meet the actual production requirements, and there will be no resonance under normal working conditions.

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