

Eleven kinds of different stabilizers and emulsifiers were applied to the research on the stability of rice beverage. Among which, four kinds with better stability effect were selected and used in the orthogonal test to improve the stability of rice beverage. The results indicated that the rice beverage had the highest stability with its precipitation rate 0.87% only and without stratification occurred after 3 weeks at room temperature when the amount of pectin, xanthan gum and monoglyceride were added 0.60%, 0.165% and 0.60% respectively. In addition, xanthan gum and pectin had significant(P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively), while monoglyceride and Span 40 did not have significant(P>0.05)effect on the stability of rice beverage. Comparatively, the impact of monoglyceride on rice beverage stability was much larger than that of Span 40.

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