

The key factor which affects the taste and quality of beer is beer pasteurization machine spray water temperature. The system, which is used to beer pasteurization machine temperature’s automatic control and remote monitoring, is deigned based on MSP430 and GSM wireless communications. The temperature detection adopts DS18B20 digital temperature sensor instead of the traditional platinum RTD, and the MSP430 is main controller with low-power and strong anti-interference ability. The control system can adjust each zone temperature of pasteurization machine in real-time, and the real-time temperature of each zone and abnormal temperature alarm information can be send to the monitoring center and the attendant pc phone through GSM. The PC attendant can also set temperature of each point. The system has several advantages for debugging convenient, high control accuracy, high reliability, remote centralized monitoring and so on. The system saves a lot of manpower, material resources, and improves productivity.

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