

In this study, solar powered adsorption refrigeration system was investigated to study its application in storage at low temperature, and the thermal performance of the system has been tested and analyzed. The results showed that at the high temperature in summer season, when the solar refrigeration system was cooled at 12:00~13:00, the solar thermal collector surface radiation intensity is about 3.0 MJ/(m2·d), and the refrigeration power system is about 3.9 kW distribution according to time. Moreover, the it was found that cooling power and low temperature storage required cooling capacity in general. Under the condition of solar radiation in 16~20 MJ/(m2·d), the solar adsorption refrigeration system can run smoothly, daily running about 7~9 h. The average daily cooling power of the system was about 3.0~4.5 kW, and the solar refrigeration coefficient COP was about 0.095~0.130. Additionally, it was also found that properly increasing the capacity of the hot water tank and the area of the collector,could extend the running time of the refrigeration system.

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