

In order to provide theoretical basis for applying controlled freezing-point storage preservation technology to soft peaches in south China, this research investigated the effects of controlled freezing-point storage and different temperatures treatment on quality of “Hujingmilu” juicy peaches during storage. Controlled freezing-point storage(-0.8 ℃) were used to keep properties of peaches, and low temperature treatment as 3~4 ℃, (0±0.5) ℃ was taken as control. Changes in physicochemical indexes (flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid and relative conductivity), sensory indexes (browning index, colouration and sensory evaluation) of different storage times and shelf-life were investigated. Factor analysis was used to evaluate the quality changes. Two principal components were extracted to instead of original indexes, which could explain products overall quality difference of 91.703%.

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