

The antioxidation of chilli seed was investigated in this study. The unmilled and milled chilli seeds, and the ethanol extracts from them, with different concentration were added into lard oil, respectively, and put at (63±2) ℃. The POV value of the lard oil under different period was determined. The regression model between POV and storage time was established, and the induction time and oxidation protection factor were also calculated to evaluate antioxidant capacity of chilli seed. The results showed that the three kinds of chilli seed added in lard had antioxidant capacity. Best antioxidant effect was showed when unmilled added in 7%, milled chilli seedadded in 11%, extract concentration for 0.12%. Moreover, no significant difference was found among the extracts with different concentrations, and a low concentration extract showed an achieve antioxidant effect. Therefore, a good antioxidant capacity was confirmed in chilli seeds.

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