

In order to improve the quality and add the value of silver carp surimi, the effect of different process conditions such as egg white powder, rinsing, heating, and frozen storage on gel properties of egg white silver carp surimi was investigated by using the texture profile analysis. The results showed that egg white powder had significant effect on gel strength with 7.0%. Silver carp surimi made by washing two times with water and one time with 1.0% NaCl solution, however, rinsing solution with Ca2+ was inadvisable. After processed under the heating method of 2-phase, 40 ℃ hot-watering for 60 min andthen 85 ℃ steaming heating for 30 min, the best gel strength was obtained. Egg white silver carp surimi will go bad obviously under refrigerated for 7 days. The gel properties of egg white silver carp surimi were significantly improved through the optimum conditions.

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