

In Jingxing village, Changsha city, soil samples and their respective hybrid rice samples were collected. Based on the content of Pb and Cd in the soils and hybrid rice, whether put in lime before heading had an effect on the accumulation and distribution of Pb and Cd was analyzed. The results showed that, in the common red soil, 94.20% of Pb was distributed in root, only 54.00% of Cd was distributed in root. In red soil with lime, the total distribution of Pb and Cd in root, stem and leaf were increased 2.20% and 17.20%, but the distribution decreased by 0.78% and 11.30% in unpolished rice. In red soil with lime, the bioaccumulation factor in unpolished rice was 0.02% and 2.60% less than the common red soil. Therefore, lime can be added to the common red soil before heading to decrease the accumulation of Pb and Cd in the unpolished rice, which provided a measure that was affordable and suitable for farmers to reduce the content of heavy metals.

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