

The breakthrough and development of the packaging of Chinese spirits depended largely on the innovation and upgrading of packaging material. Ecological packaging materials must firstly be selected to achieve ecological packaging of Chinese spirits. The necessity, basic characteristics, classification and development trend of ecology packaging material of Chinese spirits were introduced. The realization of ecological packaging materials of Chinese spirits would help to promote the health of consumers and the protection of ecological environment. The ecological packaging material of Chinese spirits has 4 basic characteristics, including the characteristics of excellent protecting products, good processing and use, excellent visual design and excellent recovery. Ecological packaging materials of Chinese spirits can be divided into 3 categories: directly natural biodegradable materials, recyclable and recycled materials, recyclable and preparing energy and degradable materials. Packaging of Chinese spirits will enter the stage of ecological packaging, and the development trend of its ecological packaging materials will be embodied in 6 aspects, including safety and non-toxic packaging material, simple and original ecology packaging material, nanometer functional packaging material, lightweight packaging materials, degradable plastics packaging material, and resource recycling packaging material.

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