

Wuyi Rougui, packing by tin can, pot, aluminum foil bag, and kraft paper bag respectively, storing at room temperature for one year, were use to analyze storage quality the effect of the four different kinds of packages, valued by sensory evaluation and physical-chemical testing with sampling every three months. The results showed that within four kinds of packaging material in this test, the tin-storage was the best for Rougui, and its initial quality could be kept well. Both the aroma and taste maintained almost the same as one year before. The pot- and aluminium foil-bag were worse for storage of Rougui, and the kraft paper bag was worst. Because the moisture adsorption capacity of the kraft paper bag was the strongest, and this could damaged the quality of Rougui seriously. Thus we suggested that the kraft paper bag cannot be used to package Rougui for long-term storage.

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