The effects of 60Co γ irradiation treatment, chlorine dioxide treatment, ozone gas treatment and pre-temperature treatment on the post-harvest quality of blueberry fruit at low temperature storage were investigated. In order to compare the effects of the four treatment methods on preserving blueberries physiological parameters such as fresh rate, weight loss rate, soluble solid content (SSC), value of chromatic aberration, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were monitored periodically. The results showed that all of those four treatments can enhance the storage quality of blueberries in different degrees, and irradiation treatment show the best result in storage. It can significantly keep fresh rate, inhibiting the PPO activity of blueberry fruit and maintain the higher SSC. Ozone treatment shows the good capacity of water holding, keeping high SSC. And chlorine dioxide treatment can also enhance the fresh rate and reduce the weight loss, but the effect is less than the irradiation treatment and chlorine dioxide treatment. Although the pre-temperature treatment can keep the best color, but cause the higher weight loss, and the pre-temperature treatment show the worst result during storage. Therefore, 60Co γ irradiation treatment show the better result compared with the other three storage methods to prolong the storage period.
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Haiwei, ZHANG; Xiaoqing, ZHANG; Yulu, ZHANG; and Xueling, GAO
"Effects of pre-treatments on storage quality of blueberry,"
Food and Machinery: Vol. 32:
9, Article 27.
DOI: 10.13652/j.issn.1003-5788.2016.09.027
Available at:
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