

Objective:To study the acute toxicity and genotoxicity of silkworm pupa. Methods: The study was carried out by acute toxicity test and genotoxicity test. The genetic toxicity test was divided into micronucleus test in Vicia faba root tip cells, mouse bone marrow micronucleus test and mouse sperm abnormality test. Results: The maximum tolerated dose of the mouse to the silkworm chrysalis was greater than 16 g/kg瘙簚bw in acute toxicity test, which meant that this substance was non-toxic. In genetic test, compared with negative control, when the concentration of cassava silkworm chrysalis was above 250 mg/mL, the broad bean root tip micronucleus rate increased significantly (P<0.01); when the dose is 5 g/kg瘙簚bw and 2.5 g/kg瘙簚bw, cassava silkworm chrysalis could significantly increase the male and female mice bone marrow micronucleus rate respectively (P<0.05); in 5 g/kg瘙簚bw, cassava silkworm chrysalis could significantly increase the odds of male mice sperm aberration (P<0.01). Conclusion: Under experimental condition, the acute toxicity of cassava silkworm pupa was not observed, but the genetic toxicity could be observed in high doses.

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