

By adding potato granule with different proportions in wheat flour, the farinograph properties, gelatinization characteristics of the mixed flour, and the cooking characteristics and texture characteristics of dried noodles were measured to evaluate the effect of potato granule on the quality of wheat flour and noodles. The results showed that the values of peak viscosity, valley viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity and setback decreased with increasing addition of potato granule; the dough development time, stability time and degree of softening first decreased and then increased, and the water absorption increased linearly. The cooking loss, the best cooking time of dried noodles increased, while hardness and springiness of the noodles decreased gradually. The quality of dried noodles was better when the potato granule addition was less than or equal to 20%. There were significant correlations among the amount of potato granule, pasting properties and farinograph properties of the mixed flour and the quality properties of dried noodles.

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