

The influence of different temperature (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ℃) on its quality and total number of colonies of fresh-cut lettuce during storage was studied, and the chlorophyll content, vitamin C content and colony total were found decreased with the increase of temperature and storage time. Based on the experimental data, first order kinetic model of chlorophyll and vitamin C and Gompertz model of the total number of colonies were established to predict the shelf life. The results were as follows. Compared with the shelf life model SLD of the total number of colonies based on Arrhenius equation, the accurate factor of shelf life model SLG established by Gompertz equation was 1.25. This indicated that the Gompertz equation could better reflect the microbial growth trend of fresh-cut lettuce in 0~20 ℃ the temperature range. The relative errors of shelf life model SLchlo and SLVc established by Arrhenius equation, and shelf life model SLG of the total number of colonies established by Gompertz equation were 8.89%, 4.44% and 6.67% respectively. The shelf life model SLVc and SLG had less relative error, showing that the shelf life model based on vitamin C and colony counts could accurately monitor the shelf life of fresh-cut lettuce in the temperature range of 0~20 ℃.

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