

Fresh rice noodles at the different temperatures(4, 25, 37 ℃)during 0~30 h storage, the total plate count (TPC), textural properties, cooking properties, color and sensory properties were analyzed. The results indicated that TPC of fresh rice noodles at 4 ℃ were within the safe range during 30 h, the hardness and chewiness of the products were higher than those of the 25 ℃ and 37 ℃ groups at the same storage time, the flexibility was relatively low; at 25 ℃, the TPC of fresh rice noodles were within the safe range during 18 h, the textural properties better than 4 ℃ and 37 ℃ groups; at 37 ℃, the TPC of fresh rice noodles were within the safe range during 12 h, the hardness, elasticity and chewiness were higher than thoes of the 25 ℃ and 4 ℃ groups, the sticky was relatively low. Different temperatures at the same time, the cooking properties of fresh rice noodles increased with the storage temperature and time. There was no significiant change in the brightness of rice noodles placed at 4 ℃ within 30 h (P>0.05), the brightness of rice noodles gradually darkened with the time at 25 ℃ and 37 ℃, the color of rice noodles were darkest at 37 ℃. The results of sensory evaluation were consistent with the above results.

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