

With three different varieties of highland barley (Zangqing 320, Zangqing 2000, Goumang) as raw material, investigated the β-glucan content, pasting properties and aroma characteristics of cooked highland barley (Zanba) obtained from layered milling method. The results showed that, from outer to inner layer (Zanba powderⅠ~Ⅵ), the samples were exhibited with increasing β-glucan content, as well as improved initial and final viscosity values for the three highland barleys. Furthermore, the total peak area and the flavor in gas chromatography showed a decreasing tendency, which indicated the flavor characteristics of outer layer Zanba powder were better than that of the inner layer for all samples. Also, the outer layer of Goumang Zanba powder was presented with stronger flavor characteristics than that of Zangqing 320 and Zangqing 2000. This study provides fundamental basis for the processing of Zanba.

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