

In order to study the changing rule of static compressive shell breaking force of rubber fruit under different conditions, the rubber fruit was subjected to the static compression test of the shear force, stabbing force and extrusion force in the loading direction of X, Y and Z respectively. The mechanical model of rubber fruit was established by using finite element method to study the stress and strain and damage law of rubber fruit under compressive load. The test results showed that the relationship between the shell breaking force of the rubber fruit under shear force, stabbing force and extrusion force was extrusion force > shear force > stabbing force. The preferred direction of the rubber fruit was the Y direction, and the extrusion and shelling breaking forces of the Class I, II, and III rubber fruits in the test were 0.548 0 kN, 0.564 5 kN, and 0.715 1 kN, respectively. The shell breaking force increased with the increase of rubber fruit size. The finite element analysis showed that the best loading direction was the Y direction, which was the same as the test result.

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