

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sugars on the structural and emulsifying property of kidney bean protein modified by Maillard reaction. The results showed that the emulsifying activity and stability of kidney bean protein could be improved by Maillard reaction with glucose, fructose and lactose, and fructose was the best one. The emulsifying ability increased from 37.52 m2/g to 98.69 m2/g, and the emulsifying stability also increased from 16.88 min to 28.68 min; After Maillard reaction, the spatial structure of protein changed, which showed that the surface hydrophobicity increased, the content of surface sulfhydryl group and total free sulfhydryl group decreased. Moreove, the ultraviolet absorption increased, and the fluorescence intensity decreased with the red shift. These changes were more conducive to the protein adsorbing to the oil-water interface, thus enhanced the emulsification.

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