

In order to select excellent strains for the fermentation of Chinese bayberry wine in Hunan province, 172 strains of yeast were isolated from fruits, leaves and soil of bayberry in different arbutus orchard. The three strains with excellent comprehensive performance were screened at four levels by chromogenic method, duchenne tube method, sugar fermentation method and bayberry wine fermentation method. It was identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae RY1, Hanseniaspora opuntiae DY5 and Hanseniaspora pseudoquilliermondii JW14 by morphology and molecular biology. Through fermentation performance studies, it was found that all 3 yeasts were able to withstand an environment with a soluble solid content (SSC) of 32%, an SO2 addition of 200 mg/L, an alcohol content of 16% Vol, and a pH of 2.0. RY1 yeast has strong fermentation performance and tolerance. It is suitable for fermenting bayberry wine. DY5 and JW14 yeast have good aroma-producing ability, and it is suitable for auxiliary fermentation to enhance the aroma of bayberry wine.

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