

In this study, marinated eggs were made by using the special turtle source featured of Xuzhou. Firstly, the flavor of the turtle source and the marinated eggs were investigated. In the boiled eggs, totally 36 flavor compounds of 13 categories were detected including alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and alkanes. In the marinated eggs made by spice powder, totally 71 flavor compounds were found and the ketones, aldehydes, furanes and esters were increased in different levels. The marinated eggs made by turtle source released 54 flavor compounds, whereby the contents of ketones, alcohols and pyrazines were higher in comparison to the boiled eggs while the contents of esters and aldehydes were reduced in comparison to the spice powder eggs. The texture variation of egg white of the marinated eggs pasteurized under various conditions (121 ℃ 30 min; 126 ℃ 15 min; 116 ℃ 90 min) during storage was characterized. It was found there was no significant hardening of egg white in boiled eggs pasteurized under all the conditions, while the hardness of the marinated eggs treated under 121 ℃ was increased from 400~500 g of the fresh-prepared egg to over 1 000 g after stored for 30 days. With the other conditions, the hardness of egg white could be maintained at 600~800 g. Meanwhile the springiness and chewiness of the egg white has not been obviously affected. Conclusively the hardening could be enhanced by marinade while inhibited by proper pasteurization conditions.

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