

Aiming at the problems of spoilage and blackening during the storage of Fenneropenaeus chinensis, using 1.5% chitosan (preservative and oxygen inhibitor), 0.1% sodium phytate (color-protecting agent) and low temperature treatment of fluidized ice as hurdle factors, the shrimps (15.0±1.0) g from Dongshan Port of Zhangzhou were stored at -4 ℃ synergistically, and the control group (-4 ℃) was set. Physicochemical and biological indexes, including volatile basic nitrogen content (TVB-N value), total numbers of the colony, brightness value, pH value, PPO, water holding capacity, and the elasticity during storage were investigated, and sensory evaluation was made to explore the effect of fence factors on shrimp preservation. The results showed that, compared with the control group, treatment group A (fluidized ice treatment + -4 ℃ storage) and treatment group B (chitosan + sodium phytate + fluidized ice treatment +-4 ℃ storage) could effectively delay the increase of volatile basic nitrogen, total numbers of colony, pH value and PPO, and significantly increase the brightness value, water holding capacity, elasticity and sensory evaluation (P<0.05). In the middle and late storage period (4, 6, and 8 d), the effect of treatment group B was markedly better than that of treatment group A. The synergistic effect of hurdle factors could significantly improve the storage quality of the shrimps and extend the shelf life up to 4 d.

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