

The active components were extracted from compressed biscuits with Actinidia kolomikta, using 60% ethanol with ultrasonication. The oxidative damage of hepatocytes induced by ultraviolet (UV) radiation was used as cell model. The effects of active components on proliferation, cell cycle, and apoptosis of hepatocytes were studied by MTT and flow cytometry. The results showed that the protective effect was the best when the dosage reached 70 mg/mL, while the therapeutic effect was the best when the dosage reached 60 mg/mL. Through cell cycle analysis, it was found that the active components of compressed biscuits with Actinidia kolomikt had an inhibiting effect on the cell cycle arrest caused by radiationand restoring its normal growth, and the preventive effects were obvious. Moreover, it could effectively reduce the apoptosis rate caused by radiation, and had a certain protective effect on cell damage. The compressed biscuits with Actinidia kolomikt had anti-radiation function and provided a scientific basis for the further development and the utilization of Actinidia kolomikt.

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