

Comparison of musalais wine by two concentration methods and the addition of supplementary materials. The quality and aroma components of four kinds of Musalais were studied and analyzed by QDA. The results showed that the total sugar, reducing sugar, soluble solids, pH, clarity, and bioactivity of frozen concentration group were significantly higher than those of the heat concentration group. Among the four kinds of Musalais, esters were the most abundant, up to 65 kinds of aroma-producing substances. The relative content of esters in frozen concentrated Musalais was the highest, about 48.77% of the total volatile substances. The relative content of esters (36.95%) in heat-concentrated Musalais was slightly lower than that in freeze-concentrated Musalais. The results of QDA statistics showed that cold Musalais had a bright and uniform color, smooth taste, sweet and sour taste, obvious flower and fruit aroma, and long aftertaste. It has the highest sensory evaluation and the best flavor.

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