

Because traditional design method is difficult to analyze the movement process of gunpowder tea particles in frying pan, the 3D geometric model of the double-pan roasting machine was designed based on Solidworks, the tea particle model of geometric and contact mechanics was established based on the discrete element method, the models were imported into EDEM, and the key technical parameters were set up according to the actual frying process of gunpowder tea. The swing amplitude and swing speed of the key kinematics parameters of the frying plate were simulated based on EDEM in order to improve the shaping rate of gunpowder tea and reduce the broken rate of gunpowder tea, the kinematics and dynamics curves of gunpowder tea particles in the shaping process were obtained. The orthogonal experiment of 2 factors and 3 levels was designed in order to test the correctness of the simulation. The results showed that: the main factors affecting the shaping quality of gunpowder tea were swing speed and swing amplitude respectively. The shaping rate of gunpowder tea was 91.1% and the broken rate of gunpowder tea was 6.5%, when the swing speed of the frying plate was 85 r/min and the swing amplitude was 80 degrees, the tea quality was good. The EDEM simulation results were basically consistent with the orthogonal test results.

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