

Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to study the correlation between cut tobacco size and main physical indexes of short cigarettes, and analyzed the specific tobacco sizes that affect the physical quality and stability of short cigarettes. Results: ① the sizes of cut tobacco which had a main influence on physical quality and stability of short cigarettes were layers X1 (>7.00 mm), X3 (3.35~5.00 mm), X5 (1.00~2.50 mm), and X6 (<1.00 mm); ② layer X1 was linearly positively correlated with the standard deviation of weight, layer X5 was linearly negatively correlated with the draw resistance, hardness and their standard deviation, there was a respectively linear negative correlation and linear positive correlation between the layer X3 and the layer X6 with the end of the amount of silk and the end of containing rate. In actual production, the physical quality of the short cigarettes and its stability could be improved by increasing the short and medium-long cut tobacco, decreasing the long and ultra-short cut tobacco according to the physical indexes with large fluctuations.

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