

Taking the tea varieties of Bixiangzao, Jianbohuang and Taoyuandaye in summer with a bud and one leaf as raw materials, which were processed into yellow tea, respectively. The yellow tea suitability of three tea varieties was discussed via analyzing sensory quality, taste quality and aroma quality. The results showed that compared with Taoyuandaye and Bixiangzao, the fresh leaves of Jianbohuang were more suitable for processing yellow tea, and the yellow tea made from Jianbohuang had golden color in dried tea, delightfully fresh with sweetness, mellow and refreshing in taste, golden with light brightness in the color of tea soup and leaf bottom. The contents of water extract, amino acids, tea polyphenols, flavones, soluble sugar and the flavins were relatively higher, and were 43.80%, 2.27%, 23.09%, 1.06%, 4.13%, 0.24%, respectively. Besides, the ratio of phenol to ammonia of yellow tea made from the fresh leaves of Jianbohuang was the smallest, which was 10.17. The contents of total catechin, simple catechin and ester catechin were 14.21%, 5.49% and 8.72%, respectively, and the ratio was 0.61. At the same time, yellow tea made from Jianbohuang has the most aromatic substances and the best quality. Ten characteristic aroma components of Jianbohuang were damascone, heptadecane, α-terpineol, dibutylphthalate, 4-[2,2,6-trimethyl-7-oxadicyclic[4.1.0]heptane-1-yl]-3-butene-2-keone, beta-pinane, alkene, 3,6-nonadienyl-1-alcoholacetate, 3,7,11-trimethyl-1,3,6,10-dodecane-4-methyl, 1-methyl-4-(2-methylethylene oxide)-7-oxaheterocyclic [4.1.0] heptane, which indicates that tea variety Jianbohuang is an excellent variety resource for processing yellow tea.

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