

She sampling survey was used to sample the cultured P. clarkii and the environment from the freshwater shrimp breeding base in Hunan province. Tested the Pb content and performed statistical analysis on the relevant data. The results showed that the Pb content in shrimp, culture water and bottom sediment was Yiyang>Yueyang>Changde city in Hunan province. Among them, Yiyang city had the highest Pb over-standard rate, which was 63%. Significant differences in Pb content in shrimp head, tail, and water sediments were found in different city (P<0.05), and Pb content between different city of culture water are not statistically significant differences (P=0.05). In the culture environment, the Pb content differences between shrimp, culture water and bottom sediments were statistically significant (all P<0.05), and the differences between culture water and sediments were not statistically significant. Logistic regression analysis showed that the Pb content in culture water and bottom sediment was an independent risk factor for Pb over-standard in freshwater shrimp (culture water OR=1.018, P<0.049; sediment OR=1.505, P<0.000 1). In addition, the interaction between culture water and bottom sediment was also an independent influencing factor for Pb over-standard in freshwater shrimp (interaction OR=1.015, P<0.000 1). There were different levels of Pb in the culture environment of P. clarkii breeding bases in Hunan province. There is a significant correlation between the Pb content of Procambarus clarkii and the culture water environment. However, there is almost no Pb in the edible part of the original crayfish in Hunan, which can be eaten with peace of mind. However, there is almost no Pb over-standard in the edible part of Protocladium clavinii in freshwater shrimp breeding base in Hunan province, and it can be eaten with peace of mind.

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