

Different amounts of salt (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%) were set to cook Chimonobambusa quadrangularis shoots. The effects of salt amount on total sugar, reducing sugar, soluble protein, free amino acid, NaCl, nitrite, as well as moisture content, rehydration ratio, color, sensory score, were studied. The results showed that the water content decreases with the increase of boiling time, showing the salt amount dependent. The rehydration rate increased with the rehydration time, and when it basically stops increasing, the rehydration ratio was 10%>15%>20%>30%>25% in descending order. The total sugar, reducing sugar, soluble protein, and free amino acid content all decreased with the increase of salt amount. The NaCl content of salt-dried bamboo shoots with different salt amounts was significantly different (P<0.05), increased with the increase of salt amount. The content of nitrite was lower than 1.39 mg/kg in different salt amounts, and decreased with the increase of salt amount. Moreover, the color difference (ΔE) of salt- dried bamboo shoots with different salt amounts was greater than 2, compared with that of fresh bamboo shoots. A significant difference, and the sensory score of salt- dried bamboo shoots with low salt addition was relative higher than the high salt addition. It was found that the nutritional and sensory qualities of the salt-dried bamboo shoots and its rehydration performance could be maintained, when the salt rate was controlled at 10%~15%.

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