

The natural drying, hot air drying at different temperatures and vacuum freeze drying were carried out on the buds of Taihe toon respectively. The changes of nutrient components such as VC, chlorophyll, total flavone and protein and the rehydration performance of Taihe toon buds after drying were determined. The effects of different drying methods on the quality of Taihe toon buds were comprehensively evaluated. In the dry products obtained by vacuum freeze-drying, the retention of VC, chlorophyll, total flavonoids and protein was the highest, which were 74.00 mg/100 g, 14.1 mg/g, 3.50 mg/g, 8.12 mg/g, respectively. The rehydration performance and comprehensive evaluation were better than the natural drying and hot air drying methods. In the hot air drying method, when the drying temperature is 50 ℃, the comprehensive evaluation value of dry products was the highest, which was slightly lower than vacuum freeze drying. Among the three different drying methods, the comprehensive evaluation of the dried products obtained by vacuum freeze-drying was the best, which can retain the color, flavor, texture and nutrients of Taihe toon buds to the greatest extent. Without considering the production cost, vacuum freeze drying is the best drying method, followed by hot air drying at 50 ℃, and the lowest comprehensive evaluation of natural drying.

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