

Objective: This research aims to analyze the working condition of the material in the flow channel of the improved coaxial variable speed optimization twin-screw extruder. Methods: Used ANSYS/CFX to simulate and analyze the flow channel value, obtained the movement of the material, and compared it with the traditional screw twin screw. The performance of the two types of screws was compared and analyzed through the macro pressure field, macro speed field, velocity streamline diagram, and velocity vector diagram. Results: After the study, it was found that the pressure building capacity and mixing performance of the coaxial variable speed optimized twin screw were significantly better than that of the traditional twin screw, and the material transportation time could be effectively extended through the decelerated conveying in the middle section. Conclusion: The new optimized twin-screw, while retaining the advantages of the traditional twin-screw, additionally improves the pressure building capacity and mixing performance.

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