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Taking the display design research on traditional festival food's packaging as a point of penetration, this paper discusses about its display features and way of expression in the context of cultural confidence. At first, the paper analyses and summarizes traditional festival food packaging's current situation. Then, it concludes the display features of traditional festival food packaging's design throughout elucidating its concept. Finally, it probes into the packaging display design's expression way. Traditional festival food's packaging should comply with the tendency of today's aesthetic idea and the consumer development. The packaging's display design features could be started with its way of telling, scene being produced and interaction with consumer. In the display, packaging's theme, way of telling and design strategy should be considered. It should emphasize the atmosphere being produced when the packaging is opened, and focus on consumer's interactive experience on visual and tactile aspects and with AR technology. In opening the packaging, it should help consumer gradually understand Chinese traditional festival and customs, and thus enhance their cultural confidence.

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