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Objective: This study aimed to solve the problem of the low utilization rate of mackerel and the single taste of fish chips. Methods: The specific volume, crispness, hardness, color, fat and acrylamide content of mackerel-yam fish chips made by frozen mackerel, starch and yam powder were determined to study the effects of different aging time, frying time, frying temperature and amount of yam powder on the quality of fish-chips. Results: With the extension of the aging time, the specific volume of the fish-chips gradually increased, when the aging time was 48 h, the specific volume reached 4.14 mL/g, and the hardness also gradually decreased. When the aging time was 48 h and 60 h, the hardness was 382.8 N and 371.5 N respectively. The brittleness first increased and then decreased with the increase of aging time, after 36 h, the brittleness of the fish stick had no significant difference. The best frying time of fish-chips was 40 s, at this time, its specific volume was 4.2 mL/g, its brittleness was 0.354 mm, and its hardness was 357.17 N; when the temperature reached 180 ℃, the specific volume and brittleness of the fish-chips did not change significantly. With the increasing amount of yam powder, the specific volume, hardness, and acrylamide of fish-chips gradually decreased and its brittleness gradually increased, whereas the fat content had no obvious regularity. Conclusion: The fish chips could meet the needs of the public and had potential development values.

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