
Corresponding Author(s)

孙二娜(1989—),女,蒙牛高科乳制品(北京)有限责任公司高级工程师,博士。E-mail: sunerna@mengniu.cn吴子健(1973—),男,天津商业大学教授,博士。E-mail:wzjian@tjcu.edu.cn


Post-acidification is one of the most important factors affecting the sensory quality, flavor characteristics and stability of yogurt during shelf-life. Non-thermal treatments are novel methods to control post-acidification, which can maintain the original nutritional properties and sensory quality of food to the maximum extent. In this paper, the mechanism of post-acidification of lactic acid bacteria was reviewed. The mechanism and recent research progress of non-heat treatment processes such as ultra-high pressure, ultrasound, pulsed electric field, CO2 treatment, irradiation were analyzed and provided theoretical guidance for the development and industrial application of non-heat acid control technology.

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