

Three different parts of fig fruits were compared by texture analyzer. And the research was conducted about quality of fig fruits varying in maturity by pair T test and correlation analysis. The result showed that the firmness in the nearest parts of fig’s stalk was greater than that in middle and top parts, usually a hole called fruit being here, of fig fruits, and that there was no significant difference in rupture depth of fig fruits varying in maturity, as resilience and firmness reduced with increasing maturity. And it would be better to use Orphan immediately once harvested, the resilience, firmness and viscidity showing great discrepancies in maturity of 80% to 100%; Qingpi and Conadria had a low level of rupture depth when reached 80% maturity in which they were suitable for transportation up to full maturity. The greatest viscidity existed in Branswick which was appropriate to produce fig puree and jam. The texture characteristics of varied fig in different stages of maturity may be used to provide basis for processing and fresh edible use.

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