

In order to explore the optimal process parameters of intermittent microwave-hot air coupled peanut drying, the optimal process parameters of peanut intermittent microwave-hot air coupled drying were determined using the response surface optimization analysis method. The comprehensive score of peanut drying rate and drying energy efficiency as response values. The optimal conditions were as followed: hot air temperature 45 ℃, microwave intensity 1.25 W/g, microwave intermittent ratio 1.10. Under these conditions, it was verified that the peanut intermittent microwave-hot air coupling drying rate was 0.517 g/min, the energy efficiency was 0.433 MJ/g, the comprehensive drying score was 0.710, and the model error was less than 5%. Based on this process parameter, the effects of this drying method on peanut lipase activity, hardness, color and fatty acid composition were explored. The results show that intermittent microwave-hot air coupling drying is an efficient drying technology, which can guarantee the quality of peanuts.

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