

Adopting alternative culture 4 bacteria trains among the superior bacteria were screened from Xinjiang camel acid -milk. Identified as lactic acid bacteria, and own high ability of resistance to acid and salt. The adhensive ability of the strains to cell line Caco-2 was tested via morphological observation and cell counting under microscope. The amount of cholesterol assimilated by the bacteria was measured by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC). As results, Le2-1 (Leuconostoc lactis strain), M4-3-2(Enterococcus sp.), M3-1 (Enterococcus faecium strain), M3-3 (Lactobacillus brevis strain) were adhensive to Caco-2. M3-1 was the most adhesive strain among the four tested strains.The cholesterol assimilated range from 28%~41%, M4-3-2 which Assimilated more than 40% Cholesterol from culture medium. The antibacterial capacities of 4 strains were studied. The result showed that the metabolins of 4 strains were of obvious antibacterial activity.

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